
  • 作品简介 About Project
  • 这是一个情绪记录唱片机。
    它既可以将人们的对话记录下来转换为一幅水墨画,同时也可以将一幅之前存留下来的水墨唱片重新读取,转换成一段音乐播放出来。 我们的情绪左右着我们观察到的世界,以我观物,物物皆着我之色彩。宇宙电机实验室设计开发了多款互动装置来探索情绪的表达方式。当我们结束了一段对话,具体谈话的内容可能已经无法记忆清晰了,但这个谈话的氛围却会被深深留在心底。是一场愉快的促膝长谈呢,还是一场激烈的辩论。当我们把文字都抹去,只留下来音调和节奏,再次聆听,是否能唤起对那年那刻的那场对话的全部记忆呢。 这一台“给我一张过去的CD(Moolody)" 互动唱片机就是在探索用纯声音的方式来封存我们的情绪,传递我们的情感。
    A drawing machine that can record a conversation and translate people's voice into a pattern, and then playback the conversation as abstract music.
    Our emotion can affect how we sense the world, and our physical sense can also evoke synesthesia of emotion. This Moolody machine is one of our experiments to explore the possibility of using non verbal ways to evoke, preserve, and transmit our emotion. After having a conversation, you probably won’t remember what you actually talked about, but you remember the mood of the conversation. Was it a happy one or an argument? If you wipe off all the language and content, just leave the note and the rhythm, what you really have here is the melody of the mood. 
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