- 2018淘宝造物节,淘宝联合微软在西湖边搭建了一座混合现实未来购物街区。带上增强现实MR眼镜,用户可以看到会和你互动的全息投影模特,可以弹出动画的笔记本,会和你互动的海报,可以用眼神遥控的虚拟小车等等。消费者可以身临其境,感受“机器算法”叠加“真实世界”,过一把“科幻生活”的瘾。
2018 Taobao Maker Festival, Taobao cooperated with Microsoft to built a Mixed Reality Shopping Mall on the side of West Lake. Player can put on the MR glasses to say hi with the hologram of a pop dancer, watch 3D animations from a note book or even control virtual toy car with their eyes. Taobao Buy is also an endeavor to establish a new relationship between consumers and products. By incorporating holographic technology, items will be able to act on their own and interact with consumers, making the browsing experience more exciting and refreshing.