Interactive Portrait of Renaissance

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  • 文艺复兴互动油画是宇宙奇妙能力实验室为深圳爱得文儿童博物馆量身定做的寓教于乐的互动教学装置。将复杂的文艺复兴历史巧妙地通过文艺复兴三杰的对话展现出来。在米开朗琪罗,达芬奇,拉斐尔时而针锋相对时而谈笑风生的对话中这段艺术史上最辉煌的时代也被清晰地勾勒了出来。

    Interactive Portraits of Renaissance is an educational experience designed for Shenzhen Advent Children’s Museum by Spacetech Design Lab. This project focuses on the education of Renaissance history. The story of the most glorious period in the art history is being told through the sharp but also friendly conversation between the portraits of Michelangelo,Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael.
    Client: Maison Advent Children's Museum
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